Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Stalker Gifts

So far:

-Orchid arrangement
-$250 Barnes and Noble Gift Certificate
-Basket of lavender scented bath products

Orchid arrangement - given to my neighbors
Gift Certificate - Spent. Hey, I like books. Sue me. But amazon.com would have been a far better choice.
Basket of lavender stuff: WTF? Now, had it been a gift basket of patchouli/vanilla musk from Sabon, now THAT I would have used.

What a lousy stalker.


Bartleby said...

Why would Amazon be better than B&N? Is there a B&N nearby? I thought people preferred amazon if there weren't a decent bookstore nearby. But do you prefer Amazon regardless? Goodbye 3D browsing, goodbye flipping pages, goodbye book smell??? This is depraved!

Anonymous said...

Nice post!! I always prefer gift certificates, because those are really very useful and meaningful.

C-Belle said...

As far as I am concerned, there are two bookstores: The Strand, and Amazon.com.

Amazon.com is perfect if you want to buy a book and a vacuum cleaner and maybe even a paper shredder, all at the same time.

The Strand is perfect for those days when you want to surround yourself with that musty/moldy smell of old used books and the more fragile dry papery smell of old never read books, and leave with a large shopping bag and dust bunnies in your hair. Especially if you venture up to the second floor where the salespeople are REALLY WEIRD.

As Giles, from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, said: "...the getting of knowledge should be tangible, it should be smelly."

Bartleby said...

Especially smelly. The Strand is the Strand. But there used to be two (?) pretty good smallish bookstores called Shakespeare & Co.; not sure if any still exist in NYC? Anyway, there was one on the Upper East Side and one on the UWS, very near the current B&N. But you could NEVER sit down because they didn't have any chairs, which I always thought was obnoxious. They made a big deal about coming in to browse, etc. but you had to stand the whole time. So when BN came in like the Third Reich and put all the small fry out of business, I didn't cry too much for Shakespeare & Co because BN had lots of chairs, tables, you name it! It was pretty radical at the time. It was weird to see all these city kids using it as a library to do their homework. It sort of replaced the library, except about 10 times better. (Am thinking of that dump branch on UWS, not the main library - I love that library!) All of that said, the few times I have been in the one near B'way and 63rd (?) St., I have found it to feel more like a mall than a bookstore. Not good.

MrsCooper said...

Maybe, he's a fan of Grey's Anatomy and got the idea. Lavender scented bath product was a big thing in seasons 1 & 2.

I love Amazon. It makes my life so much easier when it comes to getting birthday presents for kids.

Bartleby said...

Abigail - I clicked on your gift link and saw something about Brookstone. Was just wondering if you like Brookstone or if it was just what appeared?

C-Belle said...

I think "abigail" is just a bot, a trawler, searching through blogs etc. for the words "gift certificate" so that it can place a link to that coupon site.

I kept the comment up because those sites actually have a great deal of relevance for my business and it was just as easy to keep the comment (and link) on my blog as it would have been to bookmark the site directly.

Bartleby said...

Cool. Trojan horse bot invasion... Brookstone is owned by A singaporean co that makes massage chairs, Osim. Has been a good short, mainly because of brookstone.

gift certificate
gift certificate
gift certificate
gift certificate
gift certificate
gift certificate
gift certificate
gift certificate

chilibean said...

I think rubber insects (except spiders) would make a nice gift.

Bartleby said...

I think I got one!

C-Belle said...

What did you get?!?

Bartleby said...

A bot... Unless maybe someone found fruityfran online somehow?

C-Belle said...

FruityFran is a friend of mine in Beijing!

Bartleby said...

Is not.

C-Belle said...

Is so.