Friday, June 13, 2008

Good Question

If a man speaks in a forest and no woman is around to hear it, is he still wrong?


MrsCooper said...

Was this one of the multiple choice questions on the IQ test?

To answer this good question, I would say he is not wrong and in fact, he is smart and the woman is smarter for staying away for creepy crawlers.

Bartleby said...

"it" refers to the guy, or that was an accident? hehe.

Bartleby said...

Hey, what happened to the drunk but not too drunk comment re separating the men from the boys?

C-Belle said...

I reread it in the morning and felt that it was mean-spirited. Besides, I try to use that line "I only fuck men" only when REALLY deserved. And he was young and boorish but he looked so crushed, I felt immediately horribly guilty.

C-Belle said...

And what happened to your Starbucks post? Version 1, with women A and B...

Bartleby said...

Ooh... That particular Starbucks is pretty busy... Would require a separate blog, so nipped in the bud at B.